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TRIBES family meal mom on phone_edited.jpg

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TRIBES big family fight climax.jpg

TRIBES family meal mom on phone_edited.jpg
BY: Nina Raine; American Academy Company CAST: Yaw Asante, Sen Enver, Angelo Leal, Declan Maloney-Drummond; Karlie Pinder, Connie Wookey
In the latter part of the play, Billy, the only deaf son in a hearing family, talks about finding his tribe, “I’m not hearing, so stop pretending I am…I’m fed up with it.”
The aching need to belong, to be part of community is at the core of Tribes and drew me to this play. Characters posture and prance about, to be superlative in a competitive world and in the process, shut one another out. Raine leads each of them toward new wisdom and repair.
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